S&P 500 index (GSPC) 5 years chart

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S&P 500 index (GSPC) 5 years chart
S&P 500 index (GSPC) 5 years chart

S&P 500 index useful informations

Standard and Poor's 500 is a stock index of the top 500 stocks traded publicly in the US.
Long term analysis of S&P500's performance
Charts are provided by livecharts.co.uk and serve for informational use only. They can not be applied for investment purposes.

Created by . Published in category „Stock index charts, HTML code last modified on 2025-02-25. Charts are updated each workday, except for intraday charts. Permalink: https://www.chartoasis.com/snp-500-index-chart-5-years-cop1/.
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