About us
The history of the free chart software
The development of Chartoasis.com's free chart software began back in 2007 when the idea of the free chart software came because we did not find any free, stable and reliable solution for stock analysis. The first release was in March, 2008 and it was available for a smaller range of users.
Thanks to the continuous development, capabilities and the range of the supported equities have been continuously expanding since the beginning. Our team is experienced at data processing, automation and mathematics and we are committed to develop stable, reliable and quality solutions for people looking for free trading analysis software.

About www.chartoasis.com
The English webpage "Chartoasis.com" started in 2009. Our goal is to provide the best free solutions for investors all around the world in the easiest possible way by either showing how to acquire information or providing charts and informations or offering market analysis tools.