Looking for historical data of the USD/RUB currency pair? We have found a source that provides Open-High-Low-Close data for it back until 1995!
The best source for downloading USD/RUB historical data we found so far is Stooq.com.
Stooq.com is a Polish website, but some parts of it is transleted into English. Do not be afraid of it, you can download USD/RUB data without knowing anything about Polish language! (You can also try using Google translate. Google Chrome will offer automatic translation as soon as you visit Stooq.com.)
Note: Second Russian Rouble (RUB) replaced First Russian Rouble (RUR) in 1998-01-01, when 1 RUB was 1000 RUR. This data goes back until 1995, and it seems to contain adjustments for the 1 RUB = 1000 RUR exchange in 1998-01-01, but the best is to check this for yourself.
Steps to get USD/RUB historical data file
- Visit this link, which will take you to Stooq.com’s USD/RUB historical data page. (This page is about historical data, so we suppose that you want to download the widest possible timerange, which does not require any other settings.)
- Find the “Download data in .csv file…” link in the bottom of the page.
- Click on the “Download data in .csv file…” link, and save the file to your device with the upcoming window.
How to proceed?
The file you downloaded is a .csv file. It is a text file, so you can view its content with text viewer applications like Notepad, vi etc.
However, you may want to import it into a spreadsheet application like MS Excel, Libre Office Calc or Google Spreadsheets, which can turn the text file into a table for further analysis.
Alternatively, you can load the USD/RUB .csv file into our free chart software, Chartoasis Chili, which will recognize the .csv format automatically and you can browse the entire timerange with eg.: mouse zooming. It also works on mobile devices!